Amna's father hung up slowly in disbelief. He put the phone on the coffee table filled with his work papers. He stared into his daughters eyes sympathizing with her sorrow, it was like he could feel the tear drop, seep down her cheek, staining her pajamas.
"Amna, 7abeebti Amna, ta3ali!" Her father grabbed her hand, she pulled it away in despair. Amna ran to her room, tripped over some books and landed on the floor. She put her head down to the ground and couldn't keep herself from crying, although she had no clue what happened, she sensed that yesterday was the last day she saw her brother. She lifted her head, wielding all her energy to haul up the heaviness of her head ache. Her father, mother, sisters and brothers walked into her room, kneeling down to the floor towards her. Baba 3abdul3ziz relaxed his back against the bed adjacent to Amna.
"Amna, u5ooch fil mustafsha, w inshallah mafee shay. He's been in a coma since yesterday, he hit his head really badly, which the doctor's say effected his brain greatly." He kept his voice low, nearly whispering.
"So whatever you're thinking 7abeebti .. don't!" Her mother continued, shooing away Amna's ruinous thoughts. Amna still quiet, nodded and got up to wash her face from all the tears. The make-up from last night she forgot to take off dribbling down her face. Her parents, and siblings decided to leave her alone to rest and absorb what had happened. She lied down on her bed, face up. She grabbed her phone from her kangaroo pockets of her Abercrombie jumper and dialed Al Dana's number. Lucklessly, she didn't answer. She decided to call 5aled, to tell him what had happened.
"Halla walla bil gumar!" 5aled answered the phone in excitment. Amna remained quiet, afraid if she spoke she would burst into tears.
"Amoon ishfeech? Oh, and btw why didn't you call me ems?"
"5aled, my brother's in a coma." She got right to the point, 5aled paused to listen further. "Oh my god Amoon 7abeebti, I didn't know! Maychoof shar inshallah," He recognized the wriggle of Amna's voice, assuming she was to cry. It was clear to him now that Amna was crying, and all he could her was her sniffles.
"Amoon 7abeebti, 7ayati inti, please don't cry. I'm sure he's fine, lama it97een wallah itjene el 9ay7a, please latz3leen!"
"It's 3abood, 3ABOOD! The closest person to me in the house, my best friend." Amna continued to sob. "I know 7abeebti, you told me how close you were with him. 5air inshallah, nothing's going to happen."
"Bs 5alood, what if he doesn't wake up from his coma?" "Amoon, don't think like that .. the last thing you need is to think pesamistically. He WILL wake up from his coma, lat5afeen."
"He's been in a coma since yesterday, isn't that a long time?" "Amoona, people stay in a coma for years and they wake up, don't worry. A9lan ish9ar?"
"Him and my stupid cousins drove the Ferrari. They were speeding, ou they crashed ou 3abood's the only one in danger!!" Amna bawled, "Amoona, magdar asm3ich it97een chithee! Lazem ashoofich!"
"Bs you have class 5alood!"
"To hell with class, inti a'3la shay fe 7ayati. I can't hear you like this, I wanna' do everything I can to make you feel better!"
"Bs 5alood, ana lazem aroo7 el mstashfa ma3 el ahal."
"Inzain roo7e, ou ana bajeech, I'll tell you to come down to the parking lot to see me. Anything for you 7abeebti," Amna agreed, dapping her eyes with tissues. "Yalla goome, '3asle wayhich, tsab7ay, get dressed ou go see your brother. I'll call you when I'm in the parking lot, inzain 7ayati?" Amna showed a slight smile on her face, and said goodbye. She took a long, warm shower relaxing her tensions in her upper back. Amna got dressed, put on her straight-cut, Citizens of Humanity jeans on, a maroon coloured tunic, and matching maroon and white Tory Burch loafers. She wore her lose fitting 3abaya, and tied her hair up to wear her ebony shela. Without a touch of make-up Amna walked out her room, forgetting her earrings, but that didn't really matter to her now.
Her father and two brothers drove to the hospital in her dad's G class Mercedes, while Amna, her mother and sisters went in their mother's 7 series. On the way, Amna turned over to her mother with all the sadness in her voice.
"You know, if Baba wasn't such a big fan of cars, he would of never gotten 3abood a Ferrari, and this would have never happened .." She looked away, facing the houses moving quickly past them.
"Amna, don't put the blame on your father. There is no one to blame in this situation."
"I'm not blaming my father, I'm just saying Mama," "Amna 7abeebti I know, bs don't look at it that way .."
They arrived at the hospital and the driver dropped them off at the entrance of Al Ahli. They took the elevator to the 6th floor, and walked slowly trying to spot out room numer 613. Amna's father opened the door silently, to see 3abdullah lying on the hospital bed in total silence. A tear splashed on the ground from Amna's eye, she went to sit next to him on his bed. Her mother couldn't bear to see Amna hold 3abdullah's face, and stroke his stubble gently. Amna took her other hand and held his, and kissed it. She squeezed it so tight thinking that someone was going to tell her to let go. She watched him sleep for about 10 minutes, she could her the beeping noise of his heart rate and sighed in total relief knowing he was stil alive. She looked down at her lap, and prayed wuietly to herself hoping for the best. Her phone vibrated and she excused herself out of the room to answer.
"Halla 5aled," She picked up. "Halla 7abeebti, ana bara3 .. ou lat5afeen I parked somewhere no one can see us. Ta3alely bara3 and I'll tell you where I am."
Amna stepped back into the room telling her parents she's just going to go down to the coffee shop to get some coffee. By now, she was already walking out of the entrance, looked to her left then to her right to see if anyone would catch her walking to some "stranger's" car. 5aled noticed Amna walking towards him with her head down, he stepped out of his car.
"Amoon 7ayati, ta3ali," She quickly ran, picking up her 3abaya from under her feet and hugged 5aled so tight.
"Haa 7abeebti, shlon u5ooch? Inshallah 5air?" "He's still in a coma," She replied and buried her face into his arms. 5aled hugged her even tighter sensing she was still upset. He held her face with both hands, and kissed her gently on her padded lips.
"He's going to be fine, and you have nothing to worry about." Amna couldn't love 5aled any more than she did right now, they way he comforted her and told her everything would be okay. That he came all the way to Al Ahli to make her feel better.
"5alood?" She looke dup at him, "3yoon 5alood,"
"Thank you for coming here, I really appreciate it." "Anything for you 7abeebti," He kissed her forehead.
"How do you do it?"
"Do what 5aled?"Amna tried to understand what he was trying to say, "Look amazing even when you cry?"
"5alood, shutup! Am7ag amazing, look at me I don't have any make-up on. I look like shit, and I've been sobbing since I woke up!" Amna shot back, but still smiled at his kind compliment.
"WALLAH YOU DO! Fdaitech, you always look amazing, make-up doesn't make a difference kilish!" He defended, she slapped his chest playfully.
"Inzain 5aled, I have to go back to el 7ijra, okay?" "Okay 7abeebti, rou7i ig3idy wya ahlich,"
He kissed her goodbye, he couldn't walk her back inside afraid someone would see them. She went back to the room after picking up some coffee and found it empty. She went to the nurse and Asked her where 3abdullah Al-Flani's room was. The nurse told her they moved to a suite at the end of the hall. She walked until she reached a dead end, and peered into the room and found her mother and the rest of the family. She wandered in and the sat down on the couch near the window. She instantly fell asleep, 2 hours later her mother woke her up telling her they were going to go home.
"Noo mama, I'm gonna stay. Tell the driver to come pick me up fil lail, abe ag3id wya 3abood ishway. Oh, and tell them to send me lunch and dinner." She mumbled, still quite sleepy.
"Okay 7abeebti, we'l come back later anyway." Her family left the room, and Amna and 3abdullah were the only ones left.
Amna's blackberry started rining, and Amna quickly answered Al Dana.
"OH MY GOD! 7ABEEBTI I'M SOOO SORRY I DIDN'T ANSWER YOU MSA3A!" Al Dana apologized about a million times.
"Yeah babe. Taw el nas," Amna smiled to her self in complete bitchiness. "Amna, I said I was sorry .. latz3leen please, mb wagta! Anyways, I'm so sorry about what happened, 5a6a el shar"
"It's okay Danoo, el shar mayjeech 7abeebti .. Inzain, banam ana I'm so tired. Marigadt 3adel,"
"Okay 7ayati, I'll call you later, bubye." Amna fell back to sleep, and later woke up when her Family came back. It was really late, and Amna opened her eyes to find the doctor's walking into the gloomy room. The two, huge men explained to Amna's parents that they will have to take 3abdullah to London in a few days to treat him with professional equipment. Thankfully, Amna's winter break was to start this Thursday after her last class, so she would be able to go with 3abdullah and the Family.
"Amna, u5ooch fil mustafsha, w inshallah mafee shay. He's been in a coma since yesterday, he hit his head really badly, which the doctor's say effected his brain greatly." He kept his voice low, nearly whispering.
"So whatever you're thinking 7abeebti .. don't!" Her mother continued, shooing away Amna's ruinous thoughts. Amna still quiet, nodded and got up to wash her face from all the tears. The make-up from last night she forgot to take off dribbling down her face. Her parents, and siblings decided to leave her alone to rest and absorb what had happened. She lied down on her bed, face up. She grabbed her phone from her kangaroo pockets of her Abercrombie jumper and dialed Al Dana's number. Lucklessly, she didn't answer. She decided to call 5aled, to tell him what had happened.
"Halla walla bil gumar!" 5aled answered the phone in excitment. Amna remained quiet, afraid if she spoke she would burst into tears.
"Amoon ishfeech? Oh, and btw why didn't you call me ems?"
"5aled, my brother's in a coma." She got right to the point, 5aled paused to listen further. "Oh my god Amoon 7abeebti, I didn't know! Maychoof shar inshallah," He recognized the wriggle of Amna's voice, assuming she was to cry. It was clear to him now that Amna was crying, and all he could her was her sniffles.
"Amoon 7abeebti, 7ayati inti, please don't cry. I'm sure he's fine, lama it97een wallah itjene el 9ay7a, please latz3leen!"
"It's 3abood, 3ABOOD! The closest person to me in the house, my best friend." Amna continued to sob. "I know 7abeebti, you told me how close you were with him. 5air inshallah, nothing's going to happen."
"Bs 5alood, what if he doesn't wake up from his coma?" "Amoon, don't think like that .. the last thing you need is to think pesamistically. He WILL wake up from his coma, lat5afeen."
"He's been in a coma since yesterday, isn't that a long time?" "Amoona, people stay in a coma for years and they wake up, don't worry. A9lan ish9ar?"
"Him and my stupid cousins drove the Ferrari. They were speeding, ou they crashed ou 3abood's the only one in danger!!" Amna bawled, "Amoona, magdar asm3ich it97een chithee! Lazem ashoofich!"
"Bs you have class 5alood!"
"To hell with class, inti a'3la shay fe 7ayati. I can't hear you like this, I wanna' do everything I can to make you feel better!"
"Bs 5alood, ana lazem aroo7 el mstashfa ma3 el ahal."
"Inzain roo7e, ou ana bajeech, I'll tell you to come down to the parking lot to see me. Anything for you 7abeebti," Amna agreed, dapping her eyes with tissues. "Yalla goome, '3asle wayhich, tsab7ay, get dressed ou go see your brother. I'll call you when I'm in the parking lot, inzain 7ayati?" Amna showed a slight smile on her face, and said goodbye. She took a long, warm shower relaxing her tensions in her upper back. Amna got dressed, put on her straight-cut, Citizens of Humanity jeans on, a maroon coloured tunic, and matching maroon and white Tory Burch loafers. She wore her lose fitting 3abaya, and tied her hair up to wear her ebony shela. Without a touch of make-up Amna walked out her room, forgetting her earrings, but that didn't really matter to her now.
Her father and two brothers drove to the hospital in her dad's G class Mercedes, while Amna, her mother and sisters went in their mother's 7 series. On the way, Amna turned over to her mother with all the sadness in her voice.
"You know, if Baba wasn't such a big fan of cars, he would of never gotten 3abood a Ferrari, and this would have never happened .." She looked away, facing the houses moving quickly past them.
"Amna, don't put the blame on your father. There is no one to blame in this situation."
"I'm not blaming my father, I'm just saying Mama," "Amna 7abeebti I know, bs don't look at it that way .."
They arrived at the hospital and the driver dropped them off at the entrance of Al Ahli. They took the elevator to the 6th floor, and walked slowly trying to spot out room numer 613. Amna's father opened the door silently, to see 3abdullah lying on the hospital bed in total silence. A tear splashed on the ground from Amna's eye, she went to sit next to him on his bed. Her mother couldn't bear to see Amna hold 3abdullah's face, and stroke his stubble gently. Amna took her other hand and held his, and kissed it. She squeezed it so tight thinking that someone was going to tell her to let go. She watched him sleep for about 10 minutes, she could her the beeping noise of his heart rate and sighed in total relief knowing he was stil alive. She looked down at her lap, and prayed wuietly to herself hoping for the best. Her phone vibrated and she excused herself out of the room to answer.
"Halla 5aled," She picked up. "Halla 7abeebti, ana bara3 .. ou lat5afeen I parked somewhere no one can see us. Ta3alely bara3 and I'll tell you where I am."
Amna stepped back into the room telling her parents she's just going to go down to the coffee shop to get some coffee. By now, she was already walking out of the entrance, looked to her left then to her right to see if anyone would catch her walking to some "stranger's" car. 5aled noticed Amna walking towards him with her head down, he stepped out of his car.
"Amoon 7ayati, ta3ali," She quickly ran, picking up her 3abaya from under her feet and hugged 5aled so tight.
"Haa 7abeebti, shlon u5ooch? Inshallah 5air?" "He's still in a coma," She replied and buried her face into his arms. 5aled hugged her even tighter sensing she was still upset. He held her face with both hands, and kissed her gently on her padded lips.
"He's going to be fine, and you have nothing to worry about." Amna couldn't love 5aled any more than she did right now, they way he comforted her and told her everything would be okay. That he came all the way to Al Ahli to make her feel better.
"5alood?" She looke dup at him, "3yoon 5alood,"
"Thank you for coming here, I really appreciate it." "Anything for you 7abeebti," He kissed her forehead.
"How do you do it?"
"Do what 5aled?"Amna tried to understand what he was trying to say, "Look amazing even when you cry?"
"5alood, shutup! Am7ag amazing, look at me I don't have any make-up on. I look like shit, and I've been sobbing since I woke up!" Amna shot back, but still smiled at his kind compliment.
"WALLAH YOU DO! Fdaitech, you always look amazing, make-up doesn't make a difference kilish!" He defended, she slapped his chest playfully.
"Inzain 5aled, I have to go back to el 7ijra, okay?" "Okay 7abeebti, rou7i ig3idy wya ahlich,"
He kissed her goodbye, he couldn't walk her back inside afraid someone would see them. She went back to the room after picking up some coffee and found it empty. She went to the nurse and Asked her where 3abdullah Al-Flani's room was. The nurse told her they moved to a suite at the end of the hall. She walked until she reached a dead end, and peered into the room and found her mother and the rest of the family. She wandered in and the sat down on the couch near the window. She instantly fell asleep, 2 hours later her mother woke her up telling her they were going to go home.
"Noo mama, I'm gonna stay. Tell the driver to come pick me up fil lail, abe ag3id wya 3abood ishway. Oh, and tell them to send me lunch and dinner." She mumbled, still quite sleepy.
"Okay 7abeebti, we'l come back later anyway." Her family left the room, and Amna and 3abdullah were the only ones left.
Amna's blackberry started rining, and Amna quickly answered Al Dana.
"OH MY GOD! 7ABEEBTI I'M SOOO SORRY I DIDN'T ANSWER YOU MSA3A!" Al Dana apologized about a million times.
"Yeah babe. Taw el nas," Amna smiled to her self in complete bitchiness. "Amna, I said I was sorry .. latz3leen please, mb wagta! Anyways, I'm so sorry about what happened, 5a6a el shar"
"It's okay Danoo, el shar mayjeech 7abeebti .. Inzain, banam ana I'm so tired. Marigadt 3adel,"
"Okay 7ayati, I'll call you later, bubye." Amna fell back to sleep, and later woke up when her Family came back. It was really late, and Amna opened her eyes to find the doctor's walking into the gloomy room. The two, huge men explained to Amna's parents that they will have to take 3abdullah to London in a few days to treat him with professional equipment. Thankfully, Amna's winter break was to start this Thursday after her last class, so she would be able to go with 3abdullah and the Family.
Miskeen Abdullah
ReplyDeleteKhaled el 9ara7a is quiet annoying ... I think it's the name ... 3ala8al change the spelling to Khalid lol
Yallah next post ...
weeeee a5ai maychoof shar......oo 5alid cute!!!
ReplyDelete7ARAAAAM!!!! Dnt kill him !!! Ee oo check this new blog Fee new story shakilha 7elwa I thnk its Kuwaiti
ReplyDeletebl., smiled to her self in complete bitchiness, wawee, love it.
ReplyDeleteamna is reminds me of someone.
whoooo does she remind you of? :P