Sunday, February 1, 2009

Girl Du`jour (Pt.8)

I'm sorry if there are a billion typos, bs I was in a rush and I didn't want to keep you guys waiting. Love you all for reading! Mwaa7 :*

Abk xx


After Amna's class on a Tuesday afternoon, both Amna and 5aled agreed to meet up at Starbucks (the usual) at 3:00.
5aled eyed Amna from head to toe with a kinky glare just as she was approaching his table. He got up and pushed his chair back with the back of his thigh. They greeted each other, and sat down on the burgundy, velvet couches. 5aled insisted on getting Amna a drink, but she kindly refused explaining that she was waiting to go home for lunch. 5aled excused himself, and went and ordered his Caramel Frap. Once he came back, Amna was fidgeting with her manicured nails.

"Amoon, ishfeech?" He asked inquisitiveley. "Nothing, laish?"
"Madree 3anich, so have you thought about things?" "Yupp," She looked up at him.
"Honestly, I think I feel the same way for you, as you do for me .." Amna raised her eyebrows and grinned, waiting for 5aled's positive reply. He grabbed Amna's hand from across the table and interlocked his fingers with hers. "I told you ana mb hadech, I adore you too much!" His cheeks turned red and he stared into Amna's beautiful bright eyes.

"Haa Amoon, ishrayech we go for a walk?" "Where?"
"5n roo7 Westbay, intmasha 3al beach .." "Sounds great," 5aled held her hand with no care in the world if someone would see them. They walked off to their cars, just as Amna was to head off to her Porsche he grabbed her by her waist.

"Wain ray7a?" He raised one of his thick eyebrows. "Sayarti," "La2 btjeen m3ay, b3dein ana baridech, okay?"
"5ala9 okay, 3ala ra7tek." She stepped into his Land Cruiser, and slowly took off her shela. They both remained quiet for the whole ride, listening to Rashed Al Majed. Every 5 minutes, they would look at eachother and simper, their smiles glistening from the amount of happiness they never thought they'd have together. They slowly drove through West Exit, windows down, listening to the hustle of the wind as the car moved sluggishly. Amna pointed to the large house to her right.

"5alood, that's my beach house right there! 9if jemba .."
"The one with the boat?" "Yup," 5aled parllel parked infront of Amna's beach, switching off the rumble of the engine. The dark arosed leaving a peice of light to shine, the night became colder and the chill of the breeze made Amna shiver. Her teeth juddered ..

"Amoona bardana?" Amna nodded, still quite shy. He wrapped his arms around her, moved her waves from her ear and whispered.
"Ana adafeech" Amna smiled and felt her spine tingle. They walked on the sinking sand of the shore, his arms still shielding her body.
"Mat7iseen we were meant to be, even though we didn't know each other for that long?" Amna playing with the wet sand with her toes, rubbing the muddy sand from her pedicured feet.
"Mhhm," She replied. He hugged her, not wanting to go too far. Amna loved it, when he carressed her ever so gently, keeping her safe in his arms.
"5alood, so2al. It's really random!" "Ask fdeitich" "What's your horse's name?"
"Hahaha, his name is Nido." Amna laughed, "What about yours?"
"Lightning, he's my favourite horse." Amna replied "Eee, 3looy told me you're a good rider." "Hehe, I don't know about that .." Amna laughed, trying not to sound too cocky.
"Ya 7ilwech, you're so cute Amoon!" "You're cuter .." She blushed. By now it was 6:00 and Amna needed to head back home. They drove back to the school parking lot, as if it was dejavu. They acted exactly the same way on the way to Westbay.

"Thanks 5alood for today," "Thank you 7abeebti! Call me awal ma tw9len el bait, ou diree balich 3ala nafsech okay?" "Inshallah" He hugged her goodnight watched her get into her Porsche and start the engine just to make sure she was safe. She hurried home to go see her mother. Soon, she arrived, while getting out of her car she peaked into the majlas to see if 3abdullah was there, unfortunately, he wasn't. She tried calling, but the sound of the answering machine annoyed her ears. She walked in and found her mother sitting on the couch, reading. She slouched on the comfy couch next to her.

"Mama?" She looked up at her mother, eyes wide open glistening from the ray of light that shined from the chandelier above them. "Labayh 7abeebti?"
"Have you seen 3abood?" "La wallah, galee be6la3 ma3 rab3a, bs mdree mita beyrja3."
"Oohh ok, inzain ana banam 7adee zahgana," She kissed her mother goodnight and ran up to her room. As she was washing her face, her blackberry buzzed on and off. She looked over the wet towel to see who was calling, it was Al Dana.

"Hala Danoozzz, sha5bar?"
"Where were you today?" Al Dana got right to the point completely ignoring Amna's question. "Um, I was out .." "With whom may I ask? If you weren't out with me, then who could you possibley be out with?"
"Okay, you caught me. I was with 5aled, we'r-" "OOOOH! Do you like him, do you like him?" Al Dana asked as if she was back in the fifth grade.
"Al Dana, we're dating, hehe!" "Oh my god, masra3, ou laish ma giltele? Ishda3waaaa, I'm your bestfriend Amoon."
"I was going to I swear, bs today we cleared things up and made our decision final to be more than just friends, then he took me to Westbay w mshaina on the beach next to my beach house." She clearly explained to Al Dana. "Ahaaaa. Aww, this is so cute! How did you like him that fast though?" Al Dana tried to make things clear.
"Mdre shagoolech yal Dana, he's such a sweet guy, he knows how to treat me right. We have so much in common, and when he told me he had feelings for me, I figured I felt the same way!!"
Al Dana continuously ooed and ahed about Amna's "cute" situation.
"Anyways, has A7med mentioned anything about 3abood today. Do you think he knows where he is? He hasn't come home for the whole day, I called bs he didn't answer, I'm kind of getting worried." Amna's voice faded away slowly, as she imagined pesamistic images of 3abdullah. She quickly snapped out of it.
"Noo I didn't ask Amoona, sorry. Bs don't worry 7ayati, I'm sure he's fine." "Inshallah," Amna said quietly.
"Inzain Amoon, a5aleech itnameen okay 7abeebti. You sound tired, and why don't you try messaging 3abdullah and see if he answers. Maybe he didn't want to talk to you in front of his friends for some strange man reasons," "Okay I will, t9b7een 3ala 5air ya 3umri" Amna blew her a kiss. "W inti mn ahal el 5air fdaitech, take care!"

Amna still scared to death, and worried about 3abdullah messaged him telling him to come home and when he did to wake her up.

"Hala 3abood. I dunno where you are bs I'm worried, when you come home walk into my room and wake me up, I haven't seen you the whole day and I don't mind waking up just to say hi. Love you xx"
She placed her blackberry on her wooden bedside table, and switched off the gleaming light. She closed her eyes, completely forgetting to call 5aled.


She arose the next morning from her awful sleep, filled to the brim with awful nightmares. Amna tried remembering if 3abdullah came to see her last night, but couldn't call anything to mind. She ran down to her father, "Baba, wein 3abood?"
"That's what we're trying to find out 7abeebti, don't worry I'm sure he's fine." "Try calling A7med bin Fahad, yemken he knows."
She searched through her contact list, picking up A7med's name and gave her father his number.
Just as Baba 3abdul3aziz was dialing his number, A7med called Amna. "Ooh yubah, akaaa he's calling me." "Inzain ridee 3lay.."
"A7med? Where's 3abood?"
"Amna give me your dad .." Amna obeyed. She stood there, all ears trying to hear A7med.
"3ame, ems fil lail ana w 3abdullah kina intmasha ma3 3yal 3amame fil Ferrari, w .."
"A7med, don't tell me kinto msr3een fil Ferrari?" "3ame 5alni a5ale9 .."

Amna's heart stopped, and this time, not in a good way. The colour of her luminous skin faded into pale white, her jaw dropping further and further, second by second.


  1. laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  2. waaaaaaai la2 7araaam !!! Inshalla mafe shy.....nxt plz!!!

  3. nooo not 3abood!

  4. lllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa plllllllllllzzzzzzzzz tell me he's aliiiiiiiiveeeeeeeeeeeeeee:''''(!! plllllllzzzzzzz

  5. weeeeeeeyh shfeeeeeh 3aboooood!!!!

  6. laaa.... i didnt see that coming
    love your writing

  7. OMG 3aboooood!!
    7aram 3alaych 7araaaaam 3alaych!!
    ba9ee7 !!
    Abee part 9 el7een uma yallah yallah !
